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Intermediate Resources

In this section you can find a variety of resources for intermediate aged children.  All of these resources are suitable for teens and adults too.  Included below are descriptions of each resource and a button to click to bring up the full resource on a new page.

Image by Victor Garcia

Box Breathing

Paced, or timed breathing is very beneficial to regulate your nervous system during a stressful moment. It is also helpful if you are experiencing panic, or anxiety. You can experiment with 3, 5, 10 seconds or longer.


1.    Let all of the air out of your lungs to a count of 4

2.    Keep your lungs empty for a count of 4

3.    Inhale for a count of 4

4.    Keep your lungs full for a count of 4. 5.    Cycle 3-4 times or a long as you like

You can also follow this Utube video:



Abstract Surface

Spine Warm up and Gratitude Meditation

Here is a yoga and meditation resource video which is 25 minutes long.  There is an introduction to Kundalini Yogi, tips, and a yoga for warming up your spine and back.  They say that you are as young and healthy as your spine is flexible. After the yoga we will rest for 3 minutes and then do a 3 minute meditation together.  Feel free to do Spinal Warmup and Rest, or just the Meditation at the end if you prefer. I definitely recommend that you do both!

Watch the guided video here:


Image by Sebastian Unrau

Guided Forest Meditation

Grounding is something that is great to way to start yoga or any meditative practice.  It is also something that can be done on its own.  It helps you to feel calm, in your body and relaxed and can be a tool to promote health and well-being.  Find a comfortable place sitting, in a chair, or even lying down.


Left Nostil Breathing

Here is a breathing resource to reduce stress, regulate your nervous system, and strengthen your immune system. You might remember doing this yogic technique in class during mindful moments. 

It is simple!  




Image by Victoria

Indigenous Mindfulness

One way that my attitudes and beliefs have changed because of this project is in how I have examined my subject position as a in relation to teaching yoga and mindfulness in schools.  Although many of the practices are Eastern in origin, research shows that the business and practice of yoga and mindfulness is predominantly cis-female and white, like own identity.   Some research suggests that cost and class divisions have kept some from experiencing and accessing these resources.  Other writers pose this as social justice issues – and one where white voices can be decentered, and oppression-sensitive so that culturally responsive spaces can be created. 


For more information about Indigenous Mindfulness and decolonizing the mind we can learn from the work Dr. Michael Yellow Bird at the University of Manitoba.   





Meditation for the Mind and Immune System

Here is a meditation which is only a few minutes and will help you to improve your immune system and concentration.  You could start with some yoga like some or all of the exercises in the Spinal Warm Up Yoga Set. It is also okay to just do this meditation by itself


1. Sit Cross-legged and take two or three deep breaths to arrive in the space.  Eyes are closed.

2. Bend left arm at the elbow and make Surya Mudra (thumb touches ring finger).  Your hand stays up beside the shoulder.

3. With your right hand pointer finger block your right nostril.

4. Do Breath of Fire through your left nostril for 1-2 minutes. Pull your bellybutton in strongly on the exhale.  Let the inhale be gentle.

5. To end, inhale and clasp your hands together with fingers interlocking in front of your face or heart, and try to pull apart creating resistance with your interlocked fingers.

6. Exhale, repeat the clasping move and breathing 3 more times. 

7. Relax deeply for a moment.


Surya Mudra:  A hand position where your ring finger touches your thumb.  It means ‘fire hand gesture’ in Sanskrit.  It is said to increase energy and creativity!

Breath of Fire:  How to do breath of fire is shown here.  You can start panting like a puppy with your mouth open, then try with your moth closed.  Pull the navel (bellybutton) inward to the spine as you exhale.  Relax the navel as you exhale.   This breath strengthens the blood, the lungs and nervous systems.   It also brings oxygen to the brain. 

Abstract Texture

4 Segment Energizing Breath

Here is a breathing resource to help with stress management and also help you feel more energized.  It is great to do in the afternoon and only takes a few minutes.

1. Sit straight. Place the palms together at the heart with the fingers pointing up. Focus at the middle of the forehead with eyelids lightly closed.

2. Inhale, breaking the breath into 4 equal parts of sniffs, filling the lungs completely on the 4th

3. As you exhale, release the breath in 4 equal parts, emptying the lungs on the 4th.

4. Press the hands together with pressure.  The harder you do it, the more energizing it will be, but take care it is not painful.

5. Continue for 1-3 minutes.  Setting a timer can be helpful.

6. To end, inhale deeply, press palms together with force for 10-15 seconds.  Exhale out powerfully.  Repeat 2 more times.   

7. If you have time after, you can lie on your back to relax for 2-3 minutes.


Segmented breathing is very beneficial to regulate your nervous system and reduce stress. The pressure from your hands in contrast with the rest after is what causes the reset.   Tip:  If your mind is very active during this activity you can try mental reciting the mantra SA – TA -  NA -  MA with each sip of breath in.   Or make your own up like a poem like for example:  I - Feel – Very - Calm.

Image by Victoria

Body Scan Guided Mediation

The body scan meditation can promote body awareness, stress awareness, and relaxation. Similar to  breathing exercises, or visualization exercises a body scan mediation can releasing stress and tension in your body.   
This is often used by sport and drama coaches to get you into your body.  Try it out!

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